Saturday, August 11, 2007

ADOT Interview

Sedona Save the Trees Network

Thank you for your support. The meeting yesterday was a great success. A half hour before the meeting, Wendy came up to me with a document from her court case with ADOT. I am the only one who has this document other than Wendy right now and I will share with you what it says. I plan on making this available to the public next week and it will blow the lid off anyone who says differently about the quantity of trees and size of trees, that are slated for destruction by ADOT.

This is a two page, under oath, Q & A that took place in court and I will note ONLY the pertinent information that discusses the trees ADOT proposes to be removed.

The blue and the pink areas they are discussing, are ONLY the areas that pertain to the area to the SOUTH of the bridge. Understand here, that there are dozens of large trees to the north of the Oak Creek bridge and several HUGE Sycamore trees along the walkway in front of the new age stores and several Heritage Sycamore trees that are all along the Tlaquepaque privacy wall that will be effected. Many of these trees I just mentioned, are ALSO slated for destruction, or they could be severely damaged by the digging of the huge trench for the proposed pipe line, or...the roots are at risk of soil compaction due to the heavy equipment staging area being located in those areas.

Begin transcript........

Q. By Mr. Dushoff: If you take that blue area that you're taking for the
relocated bridge, approximately how many trees are being removed?
A. By Mr. Jameson: In the neighborhood of 30 to 40 trees.

Q. By Mr. Dushoff: And what type of trees are they?
A. There's some Oak and Sycamore, from what I know.

Q. And what is the average height of those Oak and Sycamore trees?
A. I'm guessing that the average height is at least 40ft, but some are
probably as high as 70ft.

Q. Seventy?
A. That's my engineer's guesstimations.

Q. But you just said 70. I just.....
A. Correct.

Q.Okay, and on the pink triangle shown on the Exhibit #5...approximately how
many trees are being eliminated?
A. On the pink triangle, I would guesstimate in the order or 10 to 20.

Q. And would they also be Oak and Sycamore?
A.Correct, there's large Sycamores right on the banks next to Tlaquepaque,
and we are probably going to affect one or two of those very large

Q. And would they also be in the range of 50ft. to 70ft. tall, or would they
be a different height?
A. About that range, yeah!

Q. If we take and put them together, the pink area and the blue area,
approximately how OLD are those Sycamore and Oak trees, if you know?
A. I don't really know.

Q. Any estimate?
A. At least 50 years.

********End of transcript*******

Now, from here on out, ANYONE who disputes the size and count of the trees
that ADOT is threatening to destroy...think again.

Jim Law
Land Art Works
Exec. Producer / V.O.I.C.E Entertainment

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is apparent that ADOT doesn't even see the trees as anything other then something in the way that needs to be eleminated. It is SO sad. I wish that they could reqonize our trees for what they truly are.