Wednesday, August 15, 2007

From: Regina Richards To:

Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 9:20 PM

Subject: Hwy 179

Well, I think you are quite a bit late in speaking out against the reconstruction of Hwy 179. Where *did* you think they would get the land to widen the highway? This is what is called "growing Sedona", and we all know that with increased density nature *will* be destroyed. So where were you when the plans were presented to the community? Stop your "bitching" and let them get on with the job they were given to do. Seems to me the widening of Hwy 179 was an alternative to a road across Oak Creek in the Red Rock Crossing area. So....
Regina Richards

Then...she continues on to say.....

...."Neither worship, nor the chanting of the name nor even meditation is Sadhana. All these are indeed futile exercises and give only an ephemeral satisfaction. We achieve nothing by these endeavours without transforming the mind first. Man is transformed when the mind is transformed. It is the transformation of the mind which makes man truly Divine..... p.38 "Summer Showers in Brindavan 1993"

Jim Law's response......

Hello Regina,

Thank you for your kind words. It is NEVER too late to make change in this world. The plans were changed from the originals, if you are not aware of this, then please feel free to visit the office upstairs at Tlaquepaque and take a look at where the roundabout is now located some 85ft. to the south. In addition... the bitching you mentioned, is a voice of the people who care about our environment and our trees. Obviously, you do not. Change is inevitable, and change can be good as long as living things are taken into consideration. The land you say that was necessary to widen the road at the bridge is not the question, it is HOW they chose to use that land that matters, and there are other options and solutions to this.

Thank you once again, for your interest in seeing Sedona grow in green ways.

Many Blessings,

Jim Law
Land Art Works
Exec. Producer / VOICE Entertainment

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